________ ___ ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ |\ _____\|\ \|\ \ |\ ___ \ |\_____ \ |\ __ \ |\ ___ \ |\ ___ \ \ \ \__/ \ \ \\\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \|___/ /|\ \ \|\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ __/| \ \ __\ \ \ \\\ \\ \ \\ \ \ / / / \ \ \\\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \_|/__ \ \ \_| \ \ \\\ \\ \ \\ \ \ / /_/__ \ \ \\\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \_|\ \ \ \__\ \ \_______\\ \__\\ \__\ |\________\\ \_______\\ \__\\ \__\\ \_______\ \|__| \|_______| \|__| \|__| \|_______| \|_______| \|__| \|__| \|_______| ************************* 👨🌾 UNOFFICIAL TEND COMMUNITY POOL V3 👨🌾 ********************* INFO : https://www.tendies.dev/ UNISWAP: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1453Dbb8A29551ADe11D89825CA812e05317EAEB MINT : 0xB1B89Abec22566BcFBa9336Ee31106974337c971 Currently, TEND only gives out rewards to top 50 holders of TEND, meaning most accounts will never see a dime from their model. This is a community pool, an effort to collectively become one of the top 50 accounts holding TEND to receive the bonus rewards. Anyone can call grill or claim function which will be proportionally split between all stakers in this pool. No lock up period - meaning you can always unstake your tokens whenever you want. Now let us become a whale together! Join fee : 0% Grill & Reward claim fee : 0% Burn fee : 0.05% *************************************************************************************** WARNING: DO NOT INVEST AN AMOUNT YOU CANNOT LOSE. THIS IS FOR PURELY FOR FUN. YOU ACCEPT ALL RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES IF ALL FUNDS ARE LOST. ***************************************************************************************